The concept of quantum computing is based on two fundamental principles of quantum mechanics: superposition and entanglement. Instead of using bits, qubits are used in quantum computing, which is a key indicator in the high level of safety and security this type of cryptography ensures. If interfered with or eavesdropped in, qubits will delete or refuse to send, which keeps the information safe. This is vital in the current era where sensitive and important personal information can be digitally shared online. In computer networks, a large amount of data is transferred worldwide daily,...
The concept of quantum computing is based on two fundamental principles of quantum mechanics: superposition and entanglement. Instead of using bits, q...
The concept of quantum computing is based on two fundamental principles of quantum mechanics: superposition and entanglement. Instead of using bits, qubits are used in quantum computing, which is a key indicator in the high level of safety and security this type of cryptography ensures. If interfered with or eavesdropped in, qubits will delete or refuse to send, which keeps the information safe. This is vital in the current era where sensitive and important personal information can be digitally shared online. In computer networks, a large amount of data is transferred worldwide daily,...
The concept of quantum computing is based on two fundamental principles of quantum mechanics: superposition and entanglement. Instead of using bits, q...