The J. A. Swieca Summer School series is organized by the Brazilian Physics Society. The VIII school was dedicated to topics in astrophysics, chaos, nuclear structure and reactions, and to QCD in nuclear physics.
The J. A. Swieca Summer School series is organized by the Brazilian Physics Society. The VIII school was dedicated to topics in astrophysics, chaos, n...
Carlos A Bertulani, L Felipe Canto, Mahir S Hussein
Collective excitations in Fermi and Bose systems are key phenomena in understanding the structure and dynamics of many-body systems with the manifestation of different statistics. This volume presents recent developments in atomic and nuclear physics which have revealed intriguing features which are under intense scrutiny by both theorists and experimentalists.
Collective excitations in Fermi and Bose systems are key phenomena in understanding the structure and dynamics of many-body systems with the manifesta...