Another reason for publishing these records is that publication is an excellent way to preserve them. In Louisiana, each person who cares what happens to our precious records needs to do whatever he can in this direction, for they have been disappearing at an alarming rate. --Mary Elizabeth Sanders
St. Mary Parishi1/2s recorded history dates back to approximately 1800. St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, Heirship Series Vol. I: Annotated Abstracts of the Successions, 1811-1834 contains valuable information about heirs and other surviving relatives for the most important estates in that area....
Another reason for publishing these records is that publication is an excellent way to preserve them. In Louisiana, each person who cares what happ...
Another reason for publishing these records is that publication is an excellent way to preserve them. In Louisiana, each person who cares what happens to our precious records needs to do whatever he can in this direction, for they have been disappearing at an alarming rate. --Mary Elizabeth Sanders
St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, Heirship Series Vol. II: Selected Annotated Abstracts of Marriage Book 1, 1811-1829 records marriages performed in St. Mary Parish by parish judges, justices of the peace, and Protestant ministers. When possible, information about each bride and...
Another reason for publishing these records is that publication is an excellent way to preserve them. In Louisiana, each person who cares what happ...
Another reason for publishing these records is that publication is an excellent way to preserve them. In Louisiana, each person who cares what happens to our precious records needs to do whatever he can in this direction, for they have been disappearing at an alarming rate. --Mary Elizabeth Sanders
St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, Heirship Series Vol. III: Selected Annotated Abstracts of Court Records, 1811-1837 includes a wealth of information from Marriage book 2 1830-1837, Civil suits 1811-1836, mortgage record books and conveyance books 1811-1837, donation book a 1811-1837,...
Another reason for publishing these records is that publication is an excellent way to preserve them. In Louisiana, each person who cares what happ...