Keep Chopping Wood is an engaging and inspirational book that tells the colorful life story of Lawson H. (Mike) Hardwick, III, one of the most well-known businessmen and philanthropists in Nashville, Tennessee and around the country. He tells his story with passion and heart, from growing up as the son of a pastor, who founded a church in Nashville that grew to roughly 8,000 members during his tenure of over sixty years, to building many successful businesses, surviving depression and creating a corporate culture dedicated to serving others. His compelling story is also filled with life...
Keep Chopping Wood is an engaging and inspirational book that tells the colorful life story of Lawson H. (Mike) Hardwick, III, one of the most well...
From a colorful youth growing up in the governor's mansion, to a distinguished military career, and seeing firsthand the politics of world events during the second half of the twentieth century, Presidents, Kings, and Convicts tells the story of Congressman Bob Clement's multifaceted life, and it reveals many previously untold stories about famous people.
This memoir narrates the shaping of his life as a moderate Democrat growing up in the south in the 1950s; it shares how Clement had a front-row seat to some of America's most significant events since World War II; it provides...
From a colorful youth growing up in the governor's mansion, to a distinguished military career, and seeing firsthand the politics of world events d...