This volume underlines the relevance of an empirical, data-based and scientifically informed approach to the teaching of a second or foreign language, even though the contributions gathered here carry out this task through very different means and with various theoretical underpinnings. This is evident especially in the different and versatile perspectives on academic issues in the linguistic and methodological sections of the volume. The contributions here are assembled according to their disciplinary categories of linguistics, methodology of teaching English, and cultural and literary...
This volume underlines the relevance of an empirical, data-based and scientifically informed approach to the teaching of a second or foreign language,...
This volume represents an outgrowth of the 7th international ATECR conference, which brought together researchers and educators from fields as diverse as language teaching in a variety of contexts, corpus linguistics and literary studies. The contributions in this volume show— despite their diversity—a strong common denominator: an aim to bundle efforts and unify parameters in order to optimize English Language Teaching as a world-wide endeavor. Thus, for our teaching it can only be beneficial when linguists talk to literary-minded teachers or methodology specialists investigate whether...
This volume represents an outgrowth of the 7th international ATECR conference, which brought together researchers and educators from fields as diverse...