What does a new branch of linguistics, Implicit Pragmalinguistics, mean? And what methods of analysis does it use? What are the peculiarities of prosecutors’ forensic speech as a speech genre? What kinds of individual speech behavior and stereotyped speech behavior do English-speaking and Russian-speaking prosecutors have from the point of view of Implicit Pragmalinguistics? Within these pages, you will find not only the answers to these questions but also a lot of useful information concerning human beings.
This book consists of three parts devoted to the description of the methods...
What does a new branch of linguistics, Implicit Pragmalinguistics, mean? And what methods of analysis does it use? What are the peculiarities of prose...
This book is a collection of articles in English, German and French which were presented at the IVth International Conference on Pragmalinguistics and Speech Practices in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. The most interesting and important ideas and researches are represented in this work. The book consists of two parts: Pragmalinguistics and Speech Practices. It will be of interest to philologists, teachers and students.
This book is a collection of articles in English, German and French which were presented at the IVth International Conference on Pragmalinguistics and...