India is second largest producer of fish producing 8.29 million tons (2010-11). Maharashtra occupies the 8th position in shrimp farming producing of 1,120 mt (2010-11). The study "Production and marketing of cultured shrimp in Thane district of Maharashtra" was carried out in 3 selected districts (Dhanua, Palghar & Vasai) of Maharastra covering 22 private, 44 leased out government & 1 co-operative shrimp farm. Economics of leased out shrimp farms have been worked out taluka wise for small, medium and large farms. The estimated production function for 3 types of farming situations in Thane...
India is second largest producer of fish producing 8.29 million tons (2010-11). Maharashtra occupies the 8th position in shrimp farming producing of 1...