Scuba Confidential e una raccolta ricchissima di suggerimenti e consigli mirati, che ti consente l'accesso ad alcuni dei segreti dei subacquei tecnici e dei professionisti del mestiere. Con Scuba Confidential, imparerai a far tue quelle tecniche che ti permetteranno di essere un subacqueo migliore, piu fiducioso e piu attento alla sicurezza. Il testo offre una panoramica ben bilanciata su alcuni dei piu controversi argomenti della subacquea come l'immersione in solitaria, le immersioni profonde e i rebreather; inoltre include un'analisi accurata su come si sviluppano gli incidenti e su cosa...
Scuba Confidential e una raccolta ricchissima di suggerimenti e consigli mirati, che ti consente l'accesso ad alcuni dei segreti dei subacquei tecnici...
Secretos de Buceo es un libro unico lleno de comentarios y consejos de experto, dandote un acceso sin precedentes a los secretos del buceo profesional y de los buzos tecnicos. Con Secretos de Buceo, aprenderas como alcanzar la maestria de las habilidades y tecnicas que te haran sentir un buzo mas confiado, capaz y seguro. Ofrece una instruida vision balanceada en algunos de los mas polemicos temas del buceo con equipo autonomo, como el buceo solo, buceo profundo y recicladores, e incluye un analisis completo sobre como ocurren los accidentes de buceo y como asegurar de no volverte una...
Secretos de Buceo es un libro unico lleno de comentarios y consejos de experto, dandote un acceso sin precedentes a los secretos del buceo profesional...
Verschlusssache Tauchen ist ein einzigartiges Buch vollgepackt mit Tipps und Ratschlagen von Experten. Es wird dir ein uneingeschrankter Einblick in die Geheimnisse von professionellen Tauchern und technischen Tauchern ermoglicht. Durch dieses Buch wirst du lernen, wie man Ubungen und Techniken entwickelt, um aus dir einen selbststandigen, kompetenten und sicheren Taucher zu machen. Die Ausgewogenheit zwischen umstrittenen Tauchthemen wie Solotauchen, Tieftauchen und Rebreathertauchen erganzt durch die Analyse von Tauchunfallen ermoglichen es dir schnell zu begreifen, was du tun...
Verschlusssache Tauchen ist ein einzigartiges Buch vollgepackt mit Tipps und Ratschlagen von Experten. Es wird dir ein uneingeschrankter Ein...
If you do not yet scuba dive but are thinking of learning, then Scuba Fundamental - Start Diving the Right Way is for you. It takes you from the germ of the idea that you might like to try scuba diving up to the point where you have done around 20 dives.
This is not your standard how-to scuba diving manual. It is very different. The purpose of Scuba Fundamental is not to teach you how to dive. A dive instructor will do that. But this book will make the learning process much easier. It will help you make the right choices and avoid the pitfalls that await new and uninformed divers...
If you do not yet scuba dive but are thinking of learning, then Scuba Fundamental - Start Diving the Right Way is for you. It takes you from the ge...
Plongee confidentielle est un livre unique avec de precieux conseils d'expert, qui vous revele les secrets des professionnels de plongee. Avec Plongee confidentielle, vous apprenez a maitriser les competences et les techniques qui feront de vous un plongeur plus confiant, capable et sur. Il presente les pour et les contre sur des questions controversees comme la plongee seul, la plongee profonde et les recycleurs. Il comprend une analyse complete des accidents de plongee et comment faire en sorte de ne pas faire partie des statistiques. Plongee confidentielle vous donne egalement des...
Plongee confidentielle est un livre unique avec de precieux conseils d'expert, qui vous revele les secrets des professionnels de plongee. Avec Plongee...
In the spring of 2009, Simon Pridmore and his wife Sofie travelled for 15,000 kilometres overland through Russia, Mongolia and China. A trip that started off as an adventure ended up being an education. Everywhere they stopped they found people and cultures on the cusp of change. This was a watershed period for many nations that found themselves having to deal with the challenges of a new century, while still recovering from the consequences of the tumultuous events of the previous one.
Simon tells the tale of the journey with insight and wit as he and Sofie cross two continents,...
In the spring of 2009, Simon Pridmore and his wife Sofie travelled for 15,000 kilometres overland through Russia, Mongolia and China. A trip that s...