For some time there has existed an extensive theoretical literature relating to tides on continental shelves and also to the behavior of estuaries. Much less attention was traditionally paid to the dynamics of longer term, larger scale motions (those which are usually described as circulation') over continental shelves or in enclosed shallow seas such as the North American Great Lakes. This is no longer the case: spurred on by other disciplines, notably biological oceanography, and by public concern with the environment, the physical science of the coastal ocean has made giant strides during...
For some time there has existed an extensive theoretical literature relating to tides on continental shelves and also to the behavior of estuaries. Mu...
The rather excessive public preoccupation of the immediate past with what has been labeled the 'environmental crisis' is now fortunately being replaced by a more sus tained and rational concern with pollution problems by public administrators, engineers, and scientists. It is to be expected that members of the engineering profes sion will in the future widely be called upon to design disposal systems for gaseous and liquid wastes which meet strict pollution control regulations and to advise on possible improvements to existing systems of this kind. The engineering decisions involved will have...
The rather excessive public preoccupation of the immediate past with what has been labeled the 'environmental crisis' is now fortunately being replace...