It is nowten yearssince the thirdeditionofMetallicMaterials, andovertwentysincethefirst edition. Overthis periodtheworkhasbeenextensivelyused as acomprehensivesourcebook by all those concerned with the use of engineering materials. Since the third edition, there have been a number of basic changes in the methods of specifyingmaterials. Probablythe mostimportantofwhich is the introductionofthe Unified Numbering System (UNS). These codes are issued in agreement between the Society of AutomotiveEngineers (SAE) and the American SocietyforTestingandMaterials(ASTM), and reflect the acknowledgement...
It is nowten yearssince the thirdeditionofMetallicMaterials, andovertwentysincethefirst edition. Overthis periodtheworkhasbeenextensivelyused as acomp...