"Caribbean Football Victory: Surviving in Paradise" explores the tremendous impact that football (soccer) has had on Trinidad and Tobago (in the colonial and post-colonial eras) and the international influence of football and the media on Caribbean citizens. The novel emphasizes the significance of sport, religion, class, ethnicity, and culture in Caribbean identity. This is a story of bravery and optimism as Emmanuel and his descendants struggle to overcome stereotypes, discrimination, and poverty. Childhood and adolescent aspirations, coupled with family relationships, unfold in this unique...
"Caribbean Football Victory: Surviving in Paradise" explores the tremendous impact that football (soccer) has had on Trinidad and Tobago (in the colon...
"Awesome Americans" is a comic novel set in the Caribbean and the United States. It serves as the sequel to "Caribbean Football Victory." The narrative delves into themes of greed, adultery, hope, and shattered dreams. This work of fiction addresses various issues such as culture, sexuality, religion, crime, inaccurate medical diagnoses, and obesity.The comical characters, including Ali, Ritchie, Terrance, Dorothy, Francine, Vladimir, and Sumintra, grapple with adapting to their new environments. Most of these individuals exhibit eccentric traits. Some believed that migrating to the United...
"Awesome Americans" is a comic novel set in the Caribbean and the United States. It serves as the sequel to "Caribbean Football Victory." The narrativ...