Singh, Anubha, B. Prasad, Ashwini, Raisingani, Deepak
Photography is a wonderful tool that creates the perfect admixture of artistic expression and scientific discovery. Clinical Photography provides an clinician with the ability to record patient data in a unique and standardized way. The images obtained provide a powerful medium of expression and communication between the patient and the clinician. It aids in clinical examination, a firm diagnosis and offers treatment options to restore function, health, and aesthetics. Appropriate photographs provide vital supporting documentation and plays a crucial role in dismissing an allegation or claim...
Photography is a wonderful tool that creates the perfect admixture of artistic expression and scientific discovery. Clinical Photography provides an c...
Jain, Rimjhim, B. Prasad, Ashwini, Raisingani, Deepak
Development of minimally invasive biologically based therapies aimed at preservation of the pulp vitality remains the key theme within contemporary clinical endodonticsVital pulp therapy for cariously exposed permanent teeth remains one of the most controversial areas in dentistry. Because a vital, functioning pulp is capable of initiating several defence mechanisms to protect the body from bacterial invasion, it is beneficial to preserve the vitality and health of an exposed pulp rather than replace it with a root -filling material following pulp exposure. A variety of pulp dressing...
Development of minimally invasive biologically based therapies aimed at preservation of the pulp vitality remains the key theme within contemporary cl...
The usage of digital technology in dentistry is growing rapidly. Ongoing and further research should be integrated with clinical practice for better results. It should not be implied that digital smart data technologies will replace humans and their capacity for patient empathy. The collection, storage, and analysis of digitized biomedical patient data poses several challenges. In addition to technical aspects for the handling of huge amounts of data, an ethical and meaningful policy must ensure the protection of patient data for safety and management.However, the benefits of digital...
The usage of digital technology in dentistry is growing rapidly. Ongoing and further research should be integrated with clinical practice for better r...
Jain, Rimjhim, B. Prasad, Ashwini, Raisingani, Deepak
Le développement de thérapies biologiques peu invasives visant à préserver la vitalité de la pulpe reste le thème clé de l'endodontie clinique contemporaine. La thérapie de la pulpe vitale pour les dents permanentes cariées exposées reste l'un des domaines les plus controversés de la dentisterie. Étant donné qu'une pulpe vitale et fonctionnelle est capable de déclencher plusieurs mécanismes de défense pour protéger l'organisme contre l'invasion bactérienne, il est préférable de préserver la vitalité et la santé d'une pulpe exposée plutôt que de la remplacer par un...
Le développement de thérapies biologiques peu invasives visant à préserver la vitalité de la pulpe reste le thème clé de l'endodontie clinique ...
Jain, Rimjhim, B. Prasad, Ashwini, Raisingani, Deepak
Die Entwicklung minimalinvasiver, biologisch basierter Therapien, die auf die Erhaltung der Vitalität der Pulpa abzielen, ist nach wie vor das Schlüsselthema in der modernen klinischen Endodontie. Die Therapie der vitalen Pulpa bei kariös freiliegenden bleibenden Zähnen ist nach wie vor einer der umstrittensten Bereiche in der Zahnmedizin. Da eine vitale, funktionierende Pulpa in der Lage ist, verschiedene Abwehrmechanismen zum Schutz des Körpers vor bakterieller Invasion in Gang zu setzen, ist es von Vorteil, die Vitalität und Gesundheit einer freiliegenden Pulpa zu erhalten, anstatt...
Die Entwicklung minimalinvasiver, biologisch basierter Therapien, die auf die Erhaltung der Vitalität der Pulpa abzielen, ist nach wie vor das Schlü...
This is the compilation of literature on Etiology, Prognosis, Management, Standard operating Procedures, Current Trends and future Perspectives in Endodontic Retreatment.The post-treatment endodontic disease is defined as "the presence of a periradicular inflammatory lesion (apical or lateral) in an endodontically treated tooth when the lesion can no longer be assumed to be undergoing healing after root canal treatment". At this stage a radiographic examination would reveal inflammation and bone destruction as a radiolucency around the tooth apex.Arriving at a conclusion, whether there is a...
This is the compilation of literature on Etiology, Prognosis, Management, Standard operating Procedures, Current Trends and future Perspectives in End...