Une étude a été menée pour évaluer l'impact du travail du sol et de la couverture de surface sur les changements temporels des pools de carbone organique et d'azote du sol et leurs pertes par érosion sous la culture du maïs. Trois variantes de travail du sol, à savoir le travail conventionnel (CT), le travail minimum (MT) et le travail zéro (ZT) ont été utilisées, et ont été combinées avec des pratiques de gestion telles que la culture intercalaire (i), le paillage (m) et la rétention des résidus (30%) (r). Le carbone organique (CO) a légèrement augmenté de la période...
Une étude a été menée pour évaluer l'impact du travail du sol et de la couverture de surface sur les changements temporels des pools de carbone o...
A study was carried to assess the impact of tillage and surface cover on temporal changes in the soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools and their losses through erosion under maize crop. Three tillage variations i.e. conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and zero tillage (ZT) were employed, and were combined with management practices such as intercropping (i), mulching (m) and residue retention (30%) (r). Organic carbon (OC) slightly increased from before crop sowing to 30 DAS, then decreased at 60 DAS and then more or less levels of OC towards the harvesting stage. Maximum nitrate...
A study was carried to assess the impact of tillage and surface cover on temporal changes in the soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools and their loss...
In einer Studie wurde der Einfluss von Bodenbearbeitung und Oberflächenbedeckung auf zeitliche Veränderungen der organischen Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffvorräte im Boden und deren Verluste durch Erosion beim Maisanbau untersucht. Drei Bodenbearbeitungsvarianten, d.h. konventionelle Bodenbearbeitung (CT), minimale Bodenbearbeitung (MT) und Null-Bodenbearbeitung (ZT) wurden eingesetzt und mit Bewirtschaftungspraktiken wie Zwischenfruchtanbau (i), Mulchen (m) und Rückstandsrückhaltung (30 %) kombiniert (r). Der organische Kohlenstoff (OC) stieg von vor der Aussaat bis 30 DAS leicht an, nahm...
In einer Studie wurde der Einfluss von Bodenbearbeitung und Oberflächenbedeckung auf zeitliche Veränderungen der organischen Kohlenstoff- und Sticks...
Dr. Divya Sharma, a recent PhD graduate under the guidance of Dr. Jaspreet Singh, presents her groundbreaking research, Search-Based Software Engineering: Code Modularization and Re-Modularization. This work encapsulates her extensive research into optimizing software development processes through advanced search-based techniques using two newly introduced metaheuristic algorithms. Her book explores innovative methods for code modularization and re-modularization, addressing key challenges in software engineering. Dr. Sharma's research interests span artificial intelligence, machine learning,...
Dr. Divya Sharma, a recent PhD graduate under the guidance of Dr. Jaspreet Singh, presents her groundbreaking research, Search-Based Software Engineer...
Traumatic Dental Injury (TDI) is common dental concern among children worldwide. Dental Trauma are injuries to teeth, periodontium and surrounding soft tissues comprising 5% of all traumatic injuries and up-to 17% of all bodily injuries among preschool children. Dental injuries in primary teeth affect the development of permanent teeth. In most cases, emergency care is needed to prevent complications. Dental avulsion is one of the emergency situations where urgent action is required to save a tooth. Avulsion is when tooth is knocked completely out of its socket having incidence 0.5% - 18% of...
Traumatic Dental Injury (TDI) is common dental concern among children worldwide. Dental Trauma are injuries to teeth, periodontium and surrounding sof...