In the diesel engine cylinder, the air fuel mixture is not at rest, but is in highly turbulent condition. The turbulence breaks the filament of a flame into a ragged front, thus presenting a far greater area of surface from which hear is being radiated; hence its advance is speeded up enormously. The combustion process may be developed in two stages. One the growth and development of a self-propagating nucleus flame and the other the spread of the flame throughout the combustion chamber. The former is a chemical process depending upon the nature of the fuel, temperature and pressure, the...
In the diesel engine cylinder, the air fuel mixture is not at rest, but is in highly turbulent condition. The turbulence breaks the filament of a flam...
Mechanics of materials and its application is met in almost every branch of engineering industry, so that practitioners in other fields find that they have to become aware of its principles, uses and limitations. This book aims to introduce students and professionals in other disciplines to the fundamentals of the subject, without involving the reader too deeply in theory. The subject matter is laid out in logical order and covers the main uses and types of Mechanics. This issue has also included the Mohr s Circle and applications. The book gives worked examples of many practical applications...
Mechanics of materials and its application is met in almost every branch of engineering industry, so that practitioners in other fields find that they...