Il existe plus de 100 000 champignons connus, mais seuls quelques-uns envahissent les tissus humains. Ces champignons sont des saprophytes communs du sol et de la végétation en décomposition, et la transmission de personne à personne est rare, mais Candidais est une exception. Dans les tissus humains, les champignons peuvent être vus comme des levures ou des moisissures. Les infections buccales sont également fréquentes chez les bébés et les porteurs de prothèses dentaires, chez les personnes qui utilisent des stéroïdes inhalés pour l'asthme, chez les patients atteints de...
Il existe plus de 100 000 champignons connus, mais seuls quelques-uns envahissent les tissus humains. Ces champignons sont des saprophytes communs du ...
Rugoscophy is the art and science of studing rugae pattern of individuals. It differs person to person just like finger prints. Foreneic odontology deals with oral and maxillofacial forensic tools that helps in establishinging individuality. It is very importsbt tool in the modern world, It is of immense help in accident case to establish individuality of a person.This book helps us to understand it better.
Rugoscophy is the art and science of studing rugae pattern of individuals. It differs person to person just like finger prints. Foreneic odontology de...
Keratosis is keratin production on the skin or mucous membrane that derive from keratinocytes. The living keratinocytes of the deeper epidermis change into the dead corneocytes of the horny layer. A wide range of lesions occur as a result of mutation in the gene coding for the various keratin proteins. The hyperkeratotic form olp also belongs to facultative precancerous disease. The etiology of these diseases has not been investigated yet fully.
Keratosis is keratin production on the skin or mucous membrane that derive from keratinocytes. The living keratinocytes of the deeper epidermis change...
MICRO PHOTOGRAPHY in dentistry explores the various techniques used in modern era to see the microscopic world. This books covers micro photography using common light microscope to modern transmission electron microscopy & scanning electron microscopy. The physics behind each micro photography technique is also covered. Each techniques is thoroughly covered from tissue preparation to slide preparation. It also gives an idea about the modern microscopic techniques of florescence microscopy, SEM & TEM.
MICRO PHOTOGRAPHY in dentistry explores the various techniques used in modern era to see the microscopic world. This books covers micro photography us...