Esthetics has become increasingly important feature of modern restorative dentistry and is synonymous with a natural, harmonious appearance. An attractive or pleasing smile clearly enhances the acceptance of an individual in our society by improving the initial impression in inter personal relationship. A defective smile might be considered properly as a physical handicap. The smile in one of the most important facial expression and is essential in expressing friendliness, agreement and appreciation. Often the demand for esthetics motivates the patient to seek treatment. The esthetic appeal...
Esthetics has become increasingly important feature of modern restorative dentistry and is synonymous with a natural, harmonious appearance. An attrac...
The technological evolution of dental ceramics has been remarkable over the past four decades. From feldspathic porcelains to zirconia-based all-ceramics, tremendous progress has been made in terms of mechanical performance, with a ten-fold increase in flexural strength and fracture toughness. The advent of zirconia ceramics in conjunction with computer technology has led both dental science and industry to experience their own dream. The interpretation of this zirconia dream could be defined as the general clinical application of a highly biocompatible zirconia ceramic material that is...
The technological evolution of dental ceramics has been remarkable over the past four decades. From feldspathic porcelains to zirconia-based all-ceram...
L'évolution technologique des céramiques dentaires a été remarquable au cours des quatre dernières décennies. Des porcelaines feldspathiques au tout-céramique à base de zircone, d'énormes progrès ont été réalisés en termes de performances mécaniques, avec une multiplication par dix de la résistance à la flexion et à la rupture. L'arrivée de la céramique zircone associée à la technologie informatique a permis à la science dentaire et à l'industrie de vivre leur propre rêve. L'interprétation de ce rêve pourrait être définie comme l'application clinique générale...
L'évolution technologique des céramiques dentaires a été remarquable au cours des quatre dernières décennies. Des porcelaines feldspathiques au ...
Die technologische Entwicklung der Dentalkeramik war in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten bemerkenswert. Von Feldspatkeramiken bis hin zu Vollkeramiken auf Zirkoniumdioxidbasis wurden enorme Fortschritte in Bezug auf die mechanische Leistung erzielt, mit einer Verzehnfachung der Biegefestigkeit und Bruchzähigkeit. Das Aufkommen der Zirkoniumdioxid-Keramik in Verbindung mit der Computertechnologie hat dazu geführt, dass sowohl die zahnmedizinische Wissenschaft als auch die Industrie ihren eigenen Traum erlebt haben. Die Interpretation dieses Zirkoniumdioxid-Traumes könnte als allgemeine...
Die technologische Entwicklung der Dentalkeramik war in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten bemerkenswert. Von Feldspatkeramiken bis hin zu Vollkeramiken auf...
Today's dental professionals are dealing with a significant influx of patients who are completely edentulous and patients who have teeth that are generally impaired and who request affordable whole mouth rehabilitation. Overdentures are a substantially less expensive treatment option that many patients who get minimal financial assistance can afford. There are currently many different kinds of attachment systems available to restore implant-supported overdentures. Based on criteria such as dependability, patient desire, cost-effectiveness, technological simplicity, and retention, clinicians...
Today's dental professionals are dealing with a significant influx of patients who are completely edentulous and patients who have teeth that are gene...