This story is the third in a continuation of two previous novels entitled The Right Hand Rule: Awakening and The Right hand Rule: Rise of the Empaths. In this trilogy, Sean Nichols and Taryn Stone, childhood friends and now sweethearts, must overcome evil as they struggle to save themselves, humanity, the Earth, indeed, the Universe itself. Sean accidentally invents a technique that enhances the mind, becoming a being referred to as a hypersentient. He awakes in a government-controlled hospital under the "care" of an insane narcissist, Dr. Maurice Schumacher. After barely escaping, Sean then...
This story is the third in a continuation of two previous novels entitled The Right Hand Rule: Awakening and The Right hand Rule: Rise of the Empaths....
This story resumes where the first story in this series, Pariah: The End of the Earth left off. The surviving sentients of the destroyed solar system, along with many of the species saved by the cephalopods have fled on a very long journey to Tau Ceti. Now, they must begin rebuilding their worlds. Soon after arriving however, the newly-emerged AI being, Penelope, informs the sentient leaders that she has been invaded by a virus from an advanced alien civilization. The virus is slowly but surely destroying their worlds, as a new battle for survival is initiated. How will the sentient species...
This story resumes where the first story in this series, Pariah: The End of the Earth left off. The surviving sentients of the destroyed solar system,...