within the four walls of kate spade new york, personal style is applauded and cultural curiosity is encouraged. long before the days of pinboards and social sharing, the brand's in-house creative team began amassing a collection of things we love on their website: a crayon ring, a cocktail doodle, a particularly dreamy photograph.
people began visiting and chiming in with suggestions. now, the things we love have come to life in celebration of the brand's 20th anniversary. each of the book's 20 chapters is filled with things we love--from the color red...
within the four walls of kate spade new york, personal style is applauded and cultural curiosity is encouraged. long before the days of pin...
New York Times Bestseller in this charming guide to entertaining, kate spade new york throws rigid rules out the door and shares unpretentious ideas for the modern-day hostess that are easy, festive, authentic, and always with an air of deliberate polish. filled with how-tos, personal essays, anecdotes, recipes, and a liberal dash of style, all in good taste will transform you into the hostess everyone wants an invitation from. the book covers the essential lost arts--how to shuck an oyster, curate a vibrant guest list, guide a dinner-table discussion--right...
New York Times Bestseller in this charming guide to entertaining, kate spade new york throws rigid rules out the door and shares un...