L'idée de restauration décrite ici est une approche innovante, largement indolore, d'intervention minimale pour restaurer les structures dentaires perdues, en particulier dans les situations de proximité où le personnel dentaire hautement qualifié et les installations nécessaires ainsi que les équipements cliniques ne sont pas facilement disponibles ou abordables. L'approche conservatrice pour la restauration des dents primaires et permanentes suscite un intérêt et une utilisation croissante dans le monde entier. Le présent ouvrage a décrit une approche auto-explicative,...
L'idée de restauration décrite ici est une approche innovante, largement indolore, d'intervention minimale pour restaurer les structures dentaires p...
The earliest reference to tooth decay and toothache came from the ancient Sumerian text known as the Legend of the worm . Dental caries is an infectious microbiologic disease of the teeth that results in localized dissolution and destruction of calcified tissues or it is a microbial disease of the calcified tissues of the teeth, characterized by demineralization of the inorganic portion and destruction of the organic substance of the tooth. Progression of caries in dentin is different from progression in the overlying enamel because of the structural differences of dentin. Dentin contains...
The earliest reference to tooth decay and toothache came from the ancient Sumerian text known as the Legend of the worm . Dental caries is an infectio...
Esthetics and function of the denture is the primary consideration for patients seeking prosthodontic treatment. One of the primary concerns in denture esthetics is selection of the anterior artificial teeth. Toward this end, the size and form of the maxillary anterior teeth are important to dental esthetics as well as facial esthetics. The goal is to have the maxillary anterior teeth restore optimal dentolabial relations into appear attractive, the maxillary anterior teeth must be in proportion to facial morphology. Several anatomic measurements have been proposed to aid in determining the...
Esthetics and function of the denture is the primary consideration for patients seeking prosthodontic treatment. One of the primary concerns in dentur...
La technologie numérique a remarquablement influencé les options de diagnostic et les approches de traitement en dentisterie. La dentisterie numérique comprend un large éventail de technologies, à savoir la radiologie numérique, la conception assistée par ordinateur/fabrication assistée par ordinateur (CAD/CAM), les empreintes numériques et l'impression 3D, qui permettent une planification précise du traitement, la fabrication de prothèses exactes, la chirurgie assistée par ordinateur, le choix des teintes, la conception du sourire et l'éducation des patients. Ce livre présente...
La technologie numérique a remarquablement influencé les options de diagnostic et les approches de traitement en dentisterie. La dentisterie numéri...
The digital technology has remarkably influenced diagnostic options and treatment approaches in dentistry. Digital dentistry includes broad array of technologies namely; digital radiology, Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), digital impressions and 3D printing leading to precise treatment planning, accurate prosthesis fabrication, computer-aided surgery, shade selection, smile designing and patient education. This book presents an overview of role of digitization in prosthodontics by improving diagnosis, prostheses fabrication, treatment quality and patient...
The digital technology has remarkably influenced diagnostic options and treatment approaches in dentistry. Digital dentistry includes broad array of t...