People equate good dental appearance with success in many aspects. Increased concern for dental appearance during adolescents to early adulthood has been observed. The literal meaning of malocclusion is bad bite. The malocclusion can be defined as an occlusion in which there is a malrelationship between the arches in any of the planes or in which there are anomalies in tooth position beyond the normal limits. The individual with malocclusion may feel shy in social contacts, may lose career opportunities and might feel pity about their dental appearance. People health and consequently the...
People equate good dental appearance with success in many aspects. Increased concern for dental appearance during adolescents to early adulthood has b...
MSME sector is the growth engine of an economy. A great importance has been given to the sector for industrialization of India as industrialization plays most prominent role in economic growth. Since Independence our government is continuously trying to boost the sector by providing all possible help and support. Support includes subsidies, incentives, grants and assistance whether direct or indirect, financial or non financial, big or small and at all stages of life cycle of an enterprise to encourage entrepreneurs to come ahead. It is equally important to evaluate these measures from time...
MSME sector is the growth engine of an economy. A great importance has been given to the sector for industrialization of India as industrialization pl...