Plant extracts or their pure natural constituents have been used traditionally for thousands of years for treating diseases with considerable success in India and other Asian countries. In addition, they have also been used as complements or supplements with conventional medicine. This book discusses the latest research in the application of combination therapy, namely herbs and drugs, in the treatment of a range of communicable and non-communicable diseases to achieve a synergistic effect. This synergy may help in reducing the amount of drug, its toxicity, side effects, and development of...
Plant extracts or their pure natural constituents have been used traditionally for thousands of years for treating diseases with considerable succe...
Plant extracts or their pure natural constituents have been used traditionally for thousands of years for treating diseases with considerable success in India and other Asian countries. In addition, they have also been used as complements or supplements with conventional medicine. This book discusses the latest research in the application of combination therapy, namely herbs and drugs, in the treatment of a range of communicable and non-communicable diseases to achieve a synergistic effect. This synergy may help in reducing the amount of drug, its toxicity, side effects, and development of...
Plant extracts or their pure natural constituents have been used traditionally for thousands of years for treating diseases with considerable succe...
Raja, Rathinam, Hemaiswarya, Shanmugam, P. Ramasamy, K. Arunkumar.
Algen sind primitive photosynthetische Pflanzen, die sowohl im Süßwasser als auch im Meer leben. Marine Mikroalgen sind von großer wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung, zum Beispiel Arthrospira für das einzellige Protein, Haematococcus für Astaxanthin und Dunalliella für beta-Carotin. Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, aktuelles Wissen über die Biomasseproduktion von Dunaliella zu vermitteln, einschließlich eines detaillierten Ansatzes zur Stammisolierung, einer Beschreibung der Inokulumerzeugung, der Kulturpflege, der Anwendungen dieser halotoleranten Alge Dunaliella, der Wirkung von...
Algen sind primitive photosynthetische Pflanzen, die sowohl im Süßwasser als auch im Meer leben. Marine Mikroalgen sind von großer wirtschaftlicher...
Raja, Rathinam, Hemaiswarya, Shanmugam, P. Ramasamy, K. Arunkumar.
Les algues sont des plantes photosynthétiques primitives qui vivent aussi bien dans les eaux douces que dans les eaux marines. Les microalgues marines ont une grande importance économique ; par exemple, Arthrospira pour la protéine unicellulaire, Haematococcus pour l'astaxanthine et Dunalliella pour le beta-carotène. L'intention de ce livre est d'offrir des connaissances à jour sur la production de biomasse de Dunaliella, y compris une approche détaillée de l'isolement de la souche, une description de l'élevage de l'inoculum, l'entretien de la culture, les applications de cette algue...
Les algues sont des plantes photosynthétiques primitives qui vivent aussi bien dans les eaux douces que dans les eaux marines. Les microalgues marine...