Oral lesions are of many types. They are categorized in many different classifications. This is new classification made by compilation of all red lesions which occurs in the oral cavity. These lesions can have many differential diagnoses so we categorize these lesions on the basis of their appearance and also we have focused mainly upon differential diagnoses of each lesion. So that we can easily differentiate these lesions and can make proper diagnosis.
Oral lesions are of many types. They are categorized in many different classifications. This is new classification made by compilation of all red lesi...
The nomenclature of herpes viruses is contentious; there is, thus, a historical or traditional (trivial) nomenclature and an official name for each virus. The herpes viruses that commonly infect humans can be distinguished by their antigenic and genomic profiles, although they cannot be differentiated by electron microscopy owing to identical capsid morphology. They also have a universal ability to establish latent infection in the host, in which they reside, and manifest a number of common epidemiological features. Herpes simplex virus, herpes zoster, Epstein-Barr virus. Human...
The nomenclature of herpes viruses is contentious; there is, thus, a historical or traditional (trivial) nomenclature and an official name for each vi...
L'améloblastome est une tumeur qui naît de l'épithélium odontogène et dont l'incidence dans la population est estimée à environ 0,5 par million. L'améloblastome est la deuxième tumeur odontogène la plus fréquente. Il se produit exclusivement dans les mâchoires, avec une forte prédilection pour la région postérieure de la mandibule. Bien que bénin, l'améloblastome est une tumeur destructrice, localement invasive et présentant un taux élevé de récidive malgré une ablation chirurgicale adéquate. Il est considéré comme la tumeur odontogène la plus importante sur le plan...
L'améloblastome est une tumeur qui naît de l'épithélium odontogène et dont l'incidence dans la population est estimée à environ 0,5 par million...
Cancer is the most common second leading cause of death worldwide, after heart disease, and it accounts for 23% of all deaths. Although most cancers causing death are carcinomas of lung, prostate and breast, primary malignancy of the bone is ranked as the third leading cause of death in patients. Malignant bone tumors represent a small percentage of cancers nationwide and are much less common than malignant soft-tissue tumours. Carcinoma travels to bone via hematogenous spread or direct invasion of bone leading to severe pain and increased risk of pathologic fracture. The most common primary...
Cancer is the most common second leading cause of death worldwide, after heart disease, and it accounts for 23% of all deaths. Although most cancers c...
This book has been devoted to Exfoliative Cytology and begins with the brief introduction of exfoliative cytology. The succeeding chapters deal with the current available techniques, branches of cytopathology, procedure, recent advances in exfoliative cytology, application in oral lesions, analysis of smear. This book will prove useful to the researchers in the field of exfoliative cytology. Also it would provide an easy way to understand for the undergraduate and postgraduate students about the exfoliative cytology in lucid and simple language. Inspite of sincere efforts, elements of human...
This book has been devoted to Exfoliative Cytology and begins with the brief introduction of exfoliative cytology. The succeeding chapters deal with t...
Ce livre est consacré à la cytologie exfoliative et commence par une brève introduction à la cytologie exfoliative. Les chapitres suivants traitent des techniques actuellement disponibles, des branches de la cytopathologie, de la procédure, des avancées récentes en cytologie exfoliative, de l'application aux lésions buccales et de l'analyse des frottis. Ce livre sera utile aux chercheurs dans le domaine de la cytologie exfoliative. Il permettra également aux étudiants de premier cycle et de troisième cycle de comprendre facilement la cytologie exfoliative dans un langage simple et...
Ce livre est consacré à la cytologie exfoliative et commence par une brève introduction à la cytologie exfoliative. Les chapitres suivants traiten...