Singhal, Arpit, Singh, Himanshu Pratap, Gokkulakrishnan, S.
The facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon may choose a variety of techniques when attempting to close a facial defect. Adherence to basic principles aids in guiding reconstructive efforts. Successful reconstruction requires analysis of the entire defect and careful planning. The specific reconstructive method used should take into account a variety of factors and attempt to maximize function and minimize cosmetic deformity. Multiple closure techniques-may be used when defects cross facial aesthetic units. Surgeons are tirelessly working to reconstruct continuity defect in maxillofacial...
The facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon may choose a variety of techniques when attempting to close a facial defect. Adherence to basic principl...
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) ankylosis is a debilitating condition characterized by the fusion of the jawbone (mandible) to the temporal bone of the skull, resulting in restricted jaw movement. This condition can severely impact a person's ability to eat, speak, and maintain oral hygiene, and can also lead to facial deformities, especially in growing children. TMJ ankylosis can be classified into intra-articular (within the joint) and extra-articular (outside the joint) types. The condition arises from various etiologies, including trauma, infections, systemic diseases, and congenital...
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) ankylosis is a debilitating condition characterized by the fusion of the jawbone (mandible) to the temporal bone of the ...
Tyagi, Shruti, Indra B., Niranjanaprasad, Gokkulakrishnan, S.
L'ATM est une articulation ginglymoarthrodiale librement mobile, avec des cavités articulaires supérieure et inférieure séparées par le ménisque. La surface articulaire du condyle mandibulaire et la fosse glénoïde de l'os temporal sont recouvertes de fibres denses de collagène. Une morbidité grave due à une lésion du nerf facial, à la formation de cicatrices ou à une lésion de l'oreille peut éclipser les améliorations mécaniques de la fonction articulaire et l'amélioration des symptômes douloureux. Les incisions ont été décrites par Humphrey en 1856 pour une...
L'ATM est une articulation ginglymoarthrodiale librement mobile, avec des cavités articulaires supérieure et inférieure séparées par le ménisque...
Tyagi, Shruti, Indra B, Niranjana Prasad, Gokkulakrishnan, S.
The TMJ is a ginglymoarthrodial joint that is freely mobile, with superior and inferior joint cavities separated by the meniscus. The articular surface of the mandibular condyle and the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone are covered with dense collagen fibres. Serious morbidity from facial nerve injury, scar formation, or ear injury can overshadow the mechanical improvements in joint function and the amelioration of painful symptoms. Incisions were described by Humphrey in 1856 for condylectomy, Ricdel for meniscectomy in 1883, and Annandale for disk repositioning in 1887. The main potential...
The TMJ is a ginglymoarthrodial joint that is freely mobile, with superior and inferior joint cavities separated by the meniscus. The articular surfac...
Tyagi, Shruti, Indra B., Niranjanaprasad, Gokkulakrishnan, S.
Das Kiefergelenk ist ein frei bewegliches Ginglymoarthrodialgelenk mit oberen und unteren Gelenkhöhlen, die durch den Meniskus getrennt sind. Die Gelenkfläche des Unterkieferkondylus und die Glenoidgrube des Schläfenbeins sind mit dichten Kollagenfasern bedeckt. Schwerwiegende Morbidität aufgrund von Gesichtsnervenverletzungen, Narbenbildung oder Ohrenverletzungen kann die mechanischen Verbesserungen der Gelenkfunktion und die Linderung schmerzhafter Symptome überschatten. Einschnitte wurden von Humphrey im Jahr 1856 für die Kondylektomie, von Ricdel für die Meniskektomie im Jahr 1883...
Das Kiefergelenk ist ein frei bewegliches Ginglymoarthrodialgelenk mit oberen und unteren Gelenkhöhlen, die durch den Meniskus getrennt sind. Die Gel...