"Secret Service; or, Recollections of a City Detective" is a book by Andrew Forrester which focuses on the recollection of events and stories of s secret detective service. This book contains amazing detective stories some of which include My Great Electioneering Trick, Mistaken identity, An unscrupulous woman, and others. It covers a detailed description of incidences, the ordeals, challenges faced, and ultimately result.
"Secret Service; or, Recollections of a City Detective" is a book by Andrew Forrester which focuses on the recollection of events and stories of s sec...
The Female Detective by Andrew Forrester is about a female detective who expertly evades suspicion while cracking the hardest cases. Excerpt: "Who am I? It can matter little who I am. It may be that I took to the trade, sufficiently comprehended in the title of this work without a word of it being read, because I had no other means of making a living; or it may be that for the work of detection I had a longing which I could not overcome."
The Female Detective by Andrew Forrester is about a female detective who expertly evades suspicion while cracking the hardest cases. Excerpt: "Who am ...
"Secret Service; or, Recollections of a City Detective" is a book by Andrew Forrester which focuses on the recollection of events and stories of s secret detective service. This book contains amazing detective stories some of which include My Great Electioneering Trick, Mistaken identity, An unscrupulous woman, and others. It covers a detailed description of incidences, the ordeals, challenges faced, and ultimately result.
"Secret Service; or, Recollections of a City Detective" is a book by Andrew Forrester which focuses on the recollection of events and stories of s sec...