Das Buch ermöglicht ein gründliches Verständnis der Anatomie und ist der Grundstein für alle chirurgischen Eingriffe, und die rekonstruktive Chirurgie bildet hierkeine Ausnahme. Wenn derChirurgdie komplizierten Details einer Spenderstelle kennt, kann er das Gewebe kreativ das Gewebe kreativ an die Bedürfnisse des Patienten und den jeweiligen Defekt anpassen. Jedes Kapitel enthält Einzelheiten zur normalen Anatomie der Spenderstelle sowie zu anatomischen Variationen.In jedem Abschnitt des Buches werden die wichtigsten Designs jedes Lappens vorgestellt sowie die wichtigsten Anwendungen,...
Das Buch ermöglicht ein gründliches Verständnis der Anatomie und ist der Grundstein für alle chirurgischen Eingriffe, und die rekonstruktive Chiru...
Dentists, by nature, are at high risk of exposure to infectious diseases. The emergence of COVID-19 has brought new challenges and responsibilities to dental professionals. A better understanding of aerosol transmission and its implication in dentistry can help us identify and rectify negligence in daily dental practice. In addition to the standard precautions, implementation of special precautions could prevent disease transmission from asymptomatic carriers. These special precautions would not only help control the spread of COVID-19 but also serve as a guide for managing other respiratory...
Dentists, by nature, are at high risk of exposure to infectious diseases. The emergence of COVID-19 has brought new challenges and responsibilities to...
In the dimly lit corners of society, where poverty and neglect thrive, an often forgotten battle silently rages-a battle fought within mouths and smiles. In this book we embark on a journey that unveils the profound connection between poverty and oral health. Through stories of resilience, adversity, and hope, this book illuminates the struggles faced by individuals and communities burdened by poverty, while shedding light on the transformative power of oral healthcare. By raising awareness, promoting dialogue, and inspiring action, we have the power to break free from the cycle of poverty...
In the dimly lit corners of society, where poverty and neglect thrive, an often forgotten battle silently rages-a battle fought within mouths and smil...