Embedded systems are ubiquitous in the modern world. Such systems are used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from common consumer electronic devices to automotive and avionic applications. A property common to all embedded systems is that they interact with the physical environment, often deriving their inputs from the surrounding environment. Due to the application domains such systems are used in, their behavior is often constrained by functional (such as the input-output relationship) as well as non-functional properties (such as execution time or energy consumption). This makes...
Embedded systems are ubiquitous in the modern world. Such systems are used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from common consumer electronic ...
Les médias visuels sont des supports qui peuvent être perçus par nos sens visuels. Les plus anciennes références connues aux médias visuels sont bien sûr les peintures gravées sur les rochers, les murs et, plus tard, les toiles. Avec l'avènement des pièces de théâtre, nous avons vu des images se succéder. Avec l'avènement de la télévision, nous avons vu des images numérisées se succéder. Depuis, nous avons fait des pas de géant. Il existe des ordinateurs, des appareils téléphoniques sur lesquels les médias numérisés sont compréhensibles et accessibles. L'animation...
Les médias visuels sont des supports qui peuvent être perçus par nos sens visuels. Les plus anciennes références connues aux médias visuels sont...
The book gives an insight into scaling and short channel effects in MOSFETs. Also the brief idea of non conventional MOSFET structures can be obtained from the text. Beginners can go through the book to acquire knowledge on the device physics behind short channel MOSFETs.The researchers can go through the book to obtain in depth idea on developing models of novel device structures which can suppress short channel effects more effectively.
The book gives an insight into scaling and short channel effects in MOSFETs. Also the brief idea of non conventional MOSFET structures can be obtained...
In this book the main focus has been on the modeling and the influence of depletion layers around the source and the drain regions on the sub-threshold characteristics of a short channel MOS transistor with uniformly-doped channel. An analytical model for sub-threshold surface potential in a short channel MOS transistor has been developed by solving the pseduo-2D Poisson's equation, formulated by applying Gauss's law to a rectangular box in the channel covering the entire depletion layer depth. The model has been able to predict an increased influence of the junction depletion regions for...
In this book the main focus has been on the modeling and the influence of depletion layers around the source and the drain regions on the sub-threshol...
Visual media is a medium that can be perceived by our visual senses. Our oldest known references to visual media are of course the paintings etched on rocks, walls and later canvases. With the advent of plays, we saw visuals performed in succession. With the advent of television, we saw digitized images in succession. Since then, we have come leaps and bounds. There are computers, phone-devices on which digitized media is comprehensible and accessible. Animation is now available to the masses, a phenomenon where drawn images move as they are made to enact and dance and speak. 3D technology is...
Visual media is a medium that can be perceived by our visual senses. Our oldest known references to visual media are of course the paintings etched on...