"Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom" chronicles the daring escape of William and Ellen Craft which is often known as the most ingenious plot in fugitive slave history. While Ellen posed as a white male planter William, her husband, posed as her personal servant. The couple cleverly travelled by train and steamboat, escaped nail-biting detection and arrived in Philadelphia on Christmas Day. Excerpt: "It is a common practice in the slave States for ladies, when angry with their maids, to send them to the calybuce sugar-house, or to some other place established for the purpose of punishing...
"Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom" chronicles the daring escape of William and Ellen Craft which is often known as the most ingenious plot in fugi...
'Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom' is an invaluable anthology that delves into the harrowing yet triumphant narratives of escape from the chains of slavery. The collection is a testament to the resilience and indefatigable spirit of those who risked everything for freedom. Within its pages, the anthology spans a rich tapestry of literary styles-from poignant personal narratives to gripping factual recountings-each piece echoing the overarching themes of struggle, courage, and the quest for freedom. These works not only reflect the historical era of American slavery but also contribute to...
'Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom' is an invaluable anthology that delves into the harrowing yet triumphant narratives of escape from the chains o...