Die Osseointegrationsdynamik wird durch das Design der Implantatoberfläche und den Oberflächenzustand beeinflusst. Chirurgische Integration, Einheilungsdynamik, frühe Belastungsphase und reife Belastungsphase sind die vier verschiedenen Phasen, die bei der Bildung der Knochen-Implantat-Schnittstelle auftreten.In den frühen Phasen der Entwicklung des Implantat-Knochen-Interface erfordert das chirurgische Verfahren der Implantologie eine anfängliche Fixierung und das Fehlen von Relativbewegungen. Das Implantatdesign ist der wichtigste Aspekt bei der Bewältigung dieser ersten Phase;...
Die Osseointegrationsdynamik wird durch das Design der Implantatoberfläche und den Oberflächenzustand beeinflusst. Chirurgische Integration, Einheil...
CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Designing /Computer Aided Manufacturing) technologies are being extensively used in engineering field because of their high precision and accuracy. These systems have been introduced to dental field in late 1980s and have started being used in various fields of dentistry. This book provides an insight into the application of CAD/CAM in prosthodontics.The uses of CAD/CAM in various field of prosthodontics are continuously increasing for past two decades.This technology is not only used in the dental laboratory but with recent advancements it is also being used in the...
CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Designing /Computer Aided Manufacturing) technologies are being extensively used in engineering field because of their high pr...
The osseointegration dynamics are influenced by the implant surface design and surface state. Surgical integration, healing dynamics, early loading period, and mature loading period are the four distinct phases that occur in the formation of the bone implant interface.During the early stages of the development of the implant bone interface, the surgical procedure of implant dentistry necessitates initial fixation and lack of relative movement. The implant design is the most important aspect in completing this first stage; nevertheless, the implant's surface condition may also play a role....
The osseointegration dynamics are influenced by the implant surface design and surface state. Surgical integration, healing dynamics, early loading pe...
La dynamique d'ostéointégration est influencée par la conception et l'état de surface de l'implant. L'intégration chirurgicale, la dynamique de guérison, la période de charge précoce et la période de charge mature sont les quatre phases distinctes qui se produisent dans la formation de l'interface os-implant.Au cours des premières étapes du développement de l'interface os-implant, la procédure chirurgicale de la dentisterie implantaire nécessite une fixation initiale et l'absence de mouvement relatif. La conception de l'implant est l'aspect le plus important de cette première...
La dynamique d'ostéointégration est influencée par la conception et l'état de surface de l'implant. L'intégration chirurgicale, la dynamique de g...
Dental Implantology is the term used today to describe the fixation of alloplastic materials to the jaws to support and retain prosthetic replacements for missing teeth. Currently, various modalities of treatment are available to replace missing teeth. However, the choice of modality selected for a particular patient depends on the number and factors such as status of remaining teeth, space available, adequacy of bone support, cost, and patient's desire. These treatment modalities include removable partial denture, fixed partial denture and implant supported fixed partial denture. However,...
Dental Implantology is the term used today to describe the fixation of alloplastic materials to the jaws to support and retain prosthetic replacements...