The greatest challenge for society in the 21st century is to keep pace with the knowledge and technological expertise necessary for finding, applying and evaluating information. It is acknowledged that we live in an information-rich society where the amount of information in the world is presently doubling every three years. Therefore it is necessity of 21st century to include information literacy (IL) in education.The information society calls for all people to become information literate which means that they should not only be able to recognize when information is needed but also be able...
The greatest challenge for society in the 21st century is to keep pace with the knowledge and technological expertise necessary for finding, applying ...
Reproductive rights, being newly emerged rights internationally, still need to find an explicit reference in the Indian Constitution. Though governments across the world have recognized the right to survive pregnancy as a human right, and, so, now the local actors need to adopt legal strategies that can give this specific right of women, the force of law and transform it into reality in the domestic sphere. In India, the reproductive health of women has been neglected owing to excessive focus on population control policies. The conditions of women are considered to be the most discriminated...
Reproductive rights, being newly emerged rights internationally, still need to find an explicit reference in the Indian Constitution. Though governmen...
The National Education Policy 2020 is exactly what it takes to bring a massive change in the traditional system. NEP has touched all the arenas of education and aims at delivering state-of-the-art education to empower students, faculty, educators, and ultimately - the nation!One of the key transformations that NEP has brought is the introduction of a single authoring body that would take care of all the functions of higher education -HECI or the Higher Education Commission of India. You can say that it is a one-stop solution for all the needs of higher education institutions!Under the vast...
The National Education Policy 2020 is exactly what it takes to bring a massive change in the traditional system. NEP has touched all the arenas of edu...