"Julian Home - A Tale of College Life" is a dramatic novel about university life in the middle 19th century. The book tells about the true friendship and adventures of students who lived exciting lives between academic challenges.
"Julian Home - A Tale of College Life" is a dramatic novel about university life in the middle 19th century. The book tells about the true friendship ...
"Eric, or Little by Little" is a book by Frederic W. Farrar, first published in 1858. The book deals with the descent into the moral depravity of a boy at a boarding school in the Victorian era. This is the story about how an originally pure boy loses his morals after being wrongfully punished or bullied. Yet, the author gives hope that the main character's fate may change if he learns to seek help from above.
"Eric, or Little by Little" is a book by Frederic W. Farrar, first published in 1858. The book deals with the descent into the moral depravity of a bo...