Shrivastava, Saurabh, Rahayu, Gandes Retno, Prihatiningsih, Titi Savitri
Community-based education is the need of the hour and it significantly aids medical educators to deliver contextual, student-centered, and experiential learning. The employment of participatory rural appraisal methods to deliver community-based education is an effective approach to training medical students in communication, leadership, and team-work related skills. Further, as students get exposed to the local community, they find practical relevance to reading and thereby this complete exercise aids in facilitating self-directed learning. It is quite important that all medical colleges...
Community-based education is the need of the hour and it significantly aids medical educators to deliver contextual, student-centered, and experientia...
The world has been plagued with multiple infectious diseases, and as public health professionals, it becomes our responsibility to plan and implement appropriate measures for the effective containment of these infectious diseases. Neglected tropical diseases must be targeted as they affect the most vulnerable, while viral hepatitis, yellow fever, and other infectious diseases have also impacted the public health authorities. It is high time that we take concerted measures to contain the outbreaks of these infectious diseases and minimize the suffering and consequences of the same on society.
The world has been plagued with multiple infectious diseases, and as public health professionals, it becomes our responsibility to plan and implement ...
Shrivastava, Saurabh, Prihatiningsih, Titi Savitri
The Family Adoption Program came into existence owing to the skewed healthcare services in rural settings, in terms of accessibility, a shortage of healthcare personnel, and the limited services available to the general people living in these locations. The Logic Model for program evaluation gives attention to the different components of the program, and also to the relationship between these components and the context of the program. This model has been used to plan, implement, and evaluate programs in medical education, and provides a visual representation of the linear relationship between...
The Family Adoption Program came into existence owing to the skewed healthcare services in rural settings, in terms of accessibility, a shortage of he...
Shrivastava, Saurabh, Prihatiningsih, Titi Savitri
Le programme d'adoption familiale a vu le jour en raison de l'inégalité des services de santé dans les zones rurales, en termes d'accessibilité, de pénurie de personnel de santé et de services limités disponibles pour les personnes vivant dans ces zones. Le modèle logique d'évaluation des programmes met l'accent sur les différentes composantes du programme, ainsi que sur la relation entre ces composantes et le contexte du programme. Ce modèle a été utilisé pour planifier, mettre en oeuvre et évaluer des programmes d'enseignement médical et fournit une représentation visuelle...
Le programme d'adoption familiale a vu le jour en raison de l'inégalité des services de santé dans les zones rurales, en termes d'accessibilité, d...
La mort maternelle est un problème de santé publique d'intérêt mondial qui nécessite essentiellement des mesures pour éviter toutes les formes de décès évitables. Les étudiants en médecine étant les futurs prestataires de soins de santé, nous devons tous les former à fournir des soins de qualité pendant la grossesse et l'accouchement. Nous avons donc conçu le Safe Motherhood Curriculum en utilisant l'approche en six étapes de Kern pour former les diplômés indiens en médecine tout au long de leur formation de premier cycle.
La mort maternelle est un problème de santé publique d'intérêt mondial qui nécessite essentiellement des mesures pour éviter toutes les formes d...