Knochenersatztransplantate werden in der Parodontal- und anderen regenerativen Therapien weiterhin eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dem Kliniker stehen mehrere Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung, darunter autogenes, allogenes, xenogenes und eine Vielzahl alloplastischer Materialien. Mit Ausnahme von frischem autogenem Knochen liefern Knochenersatztransplantate weder die für die Osteogenese erforderlichen zellulären Elemente noch können sie zuverlässig als wirklich osteoinduktiv angesehen werden, sondern sind meist osteokonduktiv, d. h. sie bieten ein Gerüst für die Knochenanlagerung.Jüngste...
Knochenersatztransplantate werden in der Parodontal- und anderen regenerativen Therapien weiterhin eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dem Kliniker stehen me...
Les greffes de remplacement osseux joueront un rôle permanent dans la thérapie parodontale et autres thérapies régénératives. Plusieurs choix s'offrent au clinicien : autogène, allogène, xénogène et une variété de matériaux alloplastiques. À l'exception de l'os autogène frais, les greffons osseux de remplacement ne fournissent pas les éléments cellulaires nécessaires à l'ostéogenèse et ne peuvent pas non plus être considérés comme véritablement ostéoinductifs, mais sont plutôt ostéoconductifs, fournissant un échafaudage pour le dépôt osseux.Les développements...
Les greffes de remplacement osseux joueront un rôle permanent dans la thérapie parodontale et autres thérapies régénératives. Plusieurs choix s'...
Health examination is not complete without the oral health assessment. The presence of quantifying the disease prevalence, incidence and related factors is an important operation, one that is necessary to the eventual improvement of dental public health. The study of diseases occurrence and severity has to be quantitatively and qualitatively measured which is called as index or indices or indexes which is very important tool in the branch of dental public health and in study of epidemiology. Measuring oral diseases in a population however requires a more standardized and objective approach to...
Health examination is not complete without the oral health assessment. The presence of quantifying the disease prevalence, incidence and related facto...
Whilst the socket-shield technique potentially offers promising outcomes, reducing the need for invasive bone grafts around implants in the aesthetic zone, clinical data to support this is very limited. Within the limitations of this descriptive study, the socket shield technique offers reduced invasiveness at the time of surgery and high esthetic outcomes with effective preservation of facial tissue contours. This technique should not be used in routine clinical practice until a higher level evidence in the form of prospective clinical trials is available. At this stage, it is unclear...
Whilst the socket-shield technique potentially offers promising outcomes, reducing the need for invasive bone grafts around implants in the aesthetic ...
As dentistry evolves into a modern era, research aimed at further understanding the biological processes underlying alveolar bone healing, osseointegration, and tissue augmentation procedures is critical to develop predictable and successful restorative therapy protocols with the ultimate goal of providing high-quality patient care. Over the past 2 decades, numerous hard and soft tissue augmentation techniques have been proposed to recreate missing structures that would facilitate implant placement, as well as ridge preservation approaches to minimize bone loss after tooth extraction....
As dentistry evolves into a modern era, research aimed at further understanding the biological processes underlying alveolar bone healing, osseointegr...
The Sensor Nodes used in WSN are tiny, lightweight devices with finite, irreversible sources of power that operate on short closeness to detect hazardous conditions. The primary determinant of the sensor network's lifespan is the routing protocols, which are used by nodes to interact with one another. Therefore, the protocol must be developed with great care. For better performance, network functions must be effectively constructed.A routing protocol centered on the construction of clusters among sensor nodes of the same kind is suggested. This method collects data at intermediate nodes in...
The Sensor Nodes used in WSN are tiny, lightweight devices with finite, irreversible sources of power that operate on short closeness to detect hazard...