In "The Case for Sherlaw Kombs & Eugéne Valmont" by Robert Barr, the reader is taken on a thrilling journey through a series of detective stories featuring the clever Sherlaw Kombs and the bumbling yet endearing Eugéne Valmont. Barr's writing style is characterized by its engaging plotlines, witty dialogue, and unique blend of humor and mystery. Set in late 19th-century London and Paris, the book captures the essence of the time period, with attention to detail in both setting and character development. Each story is a standalone masterpiece, showcasing Barr's skill at crafting intricate...
In "The Case for Sherlaw Kombs & Eugéne Valmont" by Robert Barr, the reader is taken on a thrilling journey through a series of detective stories fea...
Tekla, A Romance of Love and War is a medieval love story of a beautiful countess Tekla set in the ancient town of Treves. Things change for Tekla when a young Emperor enters the city, runs into her, and is captivated by her beauty. The story follows several significant events and conflicts that befall the path of the two lovers.
Tekla, A Romance of Love and War is a medieval love story of a beautiful countess Tekla set in the ancient town of Treves. Things change for Tekla whe...
This carefully edited collection of thriller classics and murder mysteries has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Mystery of the Five Hundred Diamonds The Siamese Twin of a Bomb-Thrower The Clue of the Silver Spoons Lord Chizelrigg's Missing Fortune The Absent-Minded Coterie The Ghost with the Club-Foot The Liberation of Wyoming Ed Lady Alicia's Emeralds The Adventures of Sherlaw Kombs The Adventure of the Second Swag An Alpine Divorce Which Was The Murderer? A Dynamite Explosion An Electrical Slip The Vengeance of the...
This carefully edited collection of thriller classics and murder mysteries has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjust...
This unique thriller collection includes: Face and the Mask Death Cometh Soon or Late The Woman of Stone The Chemistry of Anarchy The Fear of It The Metamorphoses of Johnson The Reclamation of Joe Hollends The Type-Written Letter The Doom of London The Predicament of De Plonville A New Explosive The Great Pegram Mystery High Stakes "Where Ignorance Is Bliss" The Departure of Cub Mclean Old Number Eighty-Six Playing With Marked Cards The Bruiser's Courtship The Raid On Mellish Striking Back Crandall's Choice The Failure of Bradley Ringamy's Convert A Slippery Customer The Sixth Bench Revenge!...
This unique thriller collection includes: Face and the Mask Death Cometh Soon or Late The Woman of Stone The Chemistry of Anarchy The Fear of It The M...
The Mystery of the Five Hundred Diamonds The Siamese Twin of a Bomb-Thrower The Clue of the Silver Spoons Lord Chizelrigg's Missing Fortune The Absent-Minded Coterie The Ghost with the Club-Foot The Liberation of Wyoming Ed Lady Alicia's Emeralds The Adventures of Sherlaw Kombs The Adventure of the Second Swag An Alpine Divorce Which Was The Murderer? A Dynamite Explosion An Electrical Slip The Vengeance of the Dead Over The Stelvio Pass The Hour and the Man "And the Rigour of the Game" The Woman of Stone The Chemistry of Anarchy The Fear of It The Metamorphoses of Johnson The Reclamation of...
The Mystery of the Five Hundred Diamonds The Siamese Twin of a Bomb-Thrower The Clue of the Silver Spoons Lord Chizelrigg's Missing Fortune The Absent...