Recently the using of erasable ball pen increased the likelihood of erased or decolorized writing in ink featuring in criminal activity in which these inks were used frequently throughout our lives to signed or writing documents , thus the writing by these inks can be removed by rubber eraser,converted the valid documents to forged documents.Therefore an adequate and accurate approaches and treatments for the protection of paper documents and writing by erasable inks in these documents are urgently needed . This work is in progress to achieve a deeper insight to establish the application of...
Recently the using of erasable ball pen increased the likelihood of erased or decolorized writing in ink featuring in criminal activity in which these...
La monographie est consacrée à la question des relations dans le cadre du système fondamental: homme-société-monde. Parmi les questions à l'étude figurent le problème des relations entre l'homme et le monde, les masses et l'élite, ainsi que les conflits de génération et le problème du sens de la vie. Une attention particulière est accordée à la stratégie du comportement humain en période de crise, de transition, à "l'ère de la confusion", quand non seulement la liberté et la dignité d'une personne, mais aussi sa vie sont en jeu. L'auteur explore également la relation...
La monographie est consacrée à la question des relations dans le cadre du système fondamental: homme-société-monde. Parmi les questions à l'étu...
Die Monographie widmet sich der Frage der Beziehungen im Rahmen des Grundsystems: Mensch-Gesellschaft-Welt. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören: das Problem der Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Welt, den Massen und der Elite sowie Generationskonflikte und das Problem des Lebenssinns. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Strategie des menschlichen Verhaltens in einer Krise, der Übergangszeit, in der "Ära der Verwirrung" gelegt, in der es nicht nur um Freiheit und Würde eines Menschen, sondern auch um sein Leben geht. Der Autor untersucht auch die komplexe Beziehung zwischen einem Menschen und...
Die Monographie widmet sich der Frage der Beziehungen im Rahmen des Grundsystems: Mensch-Gesellschaft-Welt. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören: das Pr...
The monograph is devoted to the issue of relationships within the framework of the fundamental system: man-society-world. Among the issues under consideration are the problem of relationships between man and the world, the masses and the elite, as well as generational conflicts and the problem of the meaning of life. Particular attention is paid to the strategy of human behavior in a crisis, transitional time, in the "era of confusion", when not only freedom and dignity of a person, but also his life are at stake. The author also explores the complex relationship between a person and an...
The monograph is devoted to the issue of relationships within the framework of the fundamental system: man-society-world. Among the issues under consi...