The story begins when retired police superintendent seventy-year old Arthur Thomas, has been, for many years, an emotionally locked down childless widower. He believes that his love of the Arthurian romantic legends of Camelot inspired him to persuade fellow frustrated inmates Tristan, Percival and Geraint to leave the Laurels, a depressing NHS rehabilitation unit where bureaucratic incompetence has held them incarcerate. The reader knows, but Arthur does not know, that his inspiration comes from King Arthur, who rests in Avalon until it is his time to return as the Once and future king. He...
The story begins when retired police superintendent seventy-year old Arthur Thomas, has been, for many years, an emotionally locked down childless wid...
This book is the second novel by Allingham who came late to the lists with his great romantic story of Arthur Thomas’s Quest.
Tristan’s quest is an epic story despite spanning only one year in present time. Unknown to Tristan, King Arthur has sent Merlin to inspire him to put aside old age and infirmity and to seek, find and follow an honourable quest to keep alive the spirit of Camelot, until he returns to put to right all that has gone amiss.
At the start, Tristan is acerbic and difficult. Not knowing how he might find an appropriate quest, he comes to up to...
This book is the second novel by Allingham who came late to the lists with his great romantic story of Arthur Thomas’s Quest.
Agatha Christie nannte sie "ein strahlendes Licht". Haben Sie Margery Allingham entdeckt, die "wahre Königin" des klassischen Krimis? Aus der gleich-namigen Fernsehserie stammen drei Stories: Tod eines Geistes, Blumen für den Richter & Tänzer in Trauer. Allingham ist unter den wesentlichen Schriftstellerinnen, die im sogenannten Goldenen Zeitalter der Detektivgeschichte die einzige, die zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts geboren wurde. Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ngaio Marsh und Josephine Tey wurden im Gegensatz zu ihr alle im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert geboren.
Agatha Christie nannte sie "ein strahlendes Licht". Haben Sie Margery Allingham entdeckt, die "wahre Königin" des klassischen Krimis? Aus der gleich-...