The Chronicles are an emergent temporal logic approach to model a form of reasoning based on events. In the literature there are different studies regarding the reasoning and learning mechanisms proposed for such an approach, and applications in the distributed systems. This book reports these works. At the beginning, the book presents the different formalisms that different authors have developed around the concept of chronicles, with an introduction to what is understood as temporal logic. The next section presents the reasoning mechanisms for each chronicle formalism. The next section is...
The Chronicles are an emergent temporal logic approach to model a form of reasoning based on events. In the literature there are different studies reg...
GarcÃa Lirios, Cruz, Peralta, Vianney, Aguilar, Jose
The concept of consensual stewardship derives from the governance or capacity of a political system to guide the allocation of resources to solve a problem of scarcity or scarcity that affects the daily lives of current generations or the capacities of other generations in the future. Consensual stewardship is a dialogical, decision-oriented system for managing resources in a way that reduces the ecological footprint without compromising the capabilities of future generations. Consensual management has four dimensions: economic, political, social and environmental, and they are indicated by...
The concept of consensual stewardship derives from the governance or capacity of a political system to guide the allocation of resources to solve a pr...
GarcÃa Lirios, Cruz, Peralta, Vianney, Aguilar, Jose
Das Konzept der konsensualen Steuerung leitet sich von der Steuerung oder der Fähigkeit eines politischen Systems ab, die Zuweisung von Ressourcen zu lenken, um ein Problem der Knappheit oder Verknappung zu lösen, das das tägliche Leben heutiger Generationen oder die Kapazitäten anderer zukünftiger Generationen beeinträchtigt. Konsensuales Stewardship ist ein dialogisches, entscheidungsorientiertes System zur Bewirtschaftung von Ressourcen in einer Weise, die den ökologischen Fußabdruck verringert, ohne die Fähigkeiten künftiger Generationen zu beeinträchtigen. Konsensuale...
Das Konzept der konsensualen Steuerung leitet sich von der Steuerung oder der Fähigkeit eines politischen Systems ab, die Zuweisung von Ressourcen zu...