The teeth may be used as a weapon and under certain circumstances, may leave information as to the identity of the biter. The individuality of the human dentition frequently allows the forensic dentist to reach a strong opinion of association in cases of identification and bite mark analysis.Such analysis can often be useful during the investigation of violent crimes, especially those involving sexual assaults and mass disaster indentification. Forensic dentistry has achieved giant strides in recent times.
The teeth may be used as a weapon and under certain circumstances, may leave information as to the identity of the biter. The individuality of the hum...
Occlusion is an imperial factor in success of restoration, as the design of the restoration can utilize occlusal forces constructively. The occlusal forces in implant dentistry includes the transosteal forces, bone biomechanics, basic biomechanics, differences in natural teeth and implants, muscles of mastication and occlusal forces and bone resorption. In addition systematic individual treatment plans and precise surgical prosthodontic procedures based on biomechanical principles are pre requisite for optimal implant occlusion.
Occlusion is an imperial factor in success of restoration, as the design of the restoration can utilize occlusal forces constructively. The occlusal f...