The study explores the experiences of Italian Jewish women in the context of Italian politics and society since the inception of the liberal unitary state, during the First World War, and under the fascist dictatorship through 1945. Using sources accessible for the first time, the study casts new light on 19th- and 20th-century Italian and Italian-Jewish history and its European and international connections.
The study explores the experiences of Italian Jewish women in the context of Italian politics and society since the inception of the liberal unita...
This book is the first epoch-spanning study on Jewish participation in the Italian women’s movement, focussing in a transnational perspective on the experience of Italian-Jewish protagonists in Liberal Italy, during the First World War and the Fascist dictatorship until 1945. Drawing on ego-documents, contemporary journals and Jewish community archives, as well as records by the police and public authorities, it examines the tensions within the emancipation process between participation and exclusion. The book argues that the racial laws from 1938 did not represent the sudden end...
This book is the first epoch-spanning study on Jewish participation in the Italian women’s movement, focussing in a transnational perspective on the...