Body and the Brain is a satirical take on life from both sides of the conflict. In this battle between our unlikely duo, the pompous and overly supercilious brain seeks to dispose of the revolting sac of flesh it is permanently attached to. Join them on a roller-coaster ride of misadventure as they search for the ultimate cure for the human condition, where life is cheap and the only thing that lies in their path to true happiness is each other.
Body and the Brain is a satirical take on life from both sides of the conflict. In this battle between our unlikely duo, the pompous and overly superc...
Blue & Gold Passion chronicles the illustrious history of Boca Juniors, a world-famous football institution renowned for the plethora of legends who have graced its iconic La Bombonera stadium. All the glory, the idols and the trophies are covered in this first comprehensive English-language celebration of one of the world's greatest clubs.
Blue & Gold Passion chronicles the illustrious history of Boca Juniors, a world-famous football institution renowned for the plethora of legends who h...