Juan Huarte de San Juan (1529-1588) was a Spanish physician and natural philosopher who strove to answer why men possess specific natural abilities that prepare them to excel only in particular fields of knowledge. With his treatise Examen de ingenios para las ciencias (Baeza, 1575), dedicated to King Philip II, Huarte hoped to form a body of naturally accomplished professionals by providing readers with clues to identify their leading wit and the career path associated with it. The book experienced such overwhelming success in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries-it underwent fifty-five...
Juan Huarte de San Juan (1529-1588) was a Spanish physician and natural philosopher who strove to answer why men possess specific natural abilities th...
Juan Huarte de San Juan (1529-1588) was a Spanish physician and natural philosopher who strove to answer why men possess specific natural abilities that prepare them to excel only in particular fields of knowledge. With his treatise Examen de ingenios para las ciencias (Baeza, 1575), dedicated to King Philip II, Huarte hoped to form a body of naturally accomplished professionals by providing readers with clues to identify their leading wit and the career path associated with it. The book experienced such overwhelming success in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries-it underwent fifty-five...
Juan Huarte de San Juan (1529-1588) was a Spanish physician and natural philosopher who strove to answer why men possess specific natural abilities th...