Explore an incredible collection of narratives, featuring fascinating facts and stories about the world's deepest seas and oceans. Written by the critically acclaimed TV and radio presenter Miranda Krestovnikoff and illustrated by the wonderful Jill Calder, this stunning book will have you diving into the deepest depths of the blue, exploring the astounding seas and oceans that cover our planet and discovering the amazing animals that populate our waters, including the largest living animal: the blue whale! An important message in the book is the effects of plastics on our planet and the...
Explore an incredible collection of narratives, featuring fascinating facts and stories about the world's deepest seas and oceans. Written by the crit...
On Thursday, the 4th of August 1966, the sea began to give up its dead. Over the next two weeks, for the relatives, friends and communities of twelve people, the unimaginable grief could at least be tempered to some small extent by the fact that their remains had been found. For the loved ones of 19 others, there was to be no such closure. All 31 lives were lost because they had been aboard a small vessel which foundered in a storm off the south coast of Cornwall. The name of that boat was the Darlwyne. She sank on the evening of the 31 July. The previous day, the England football team had...
On Thursday, the 4th of August 1966, the sea began to give up its dead. Over the next two weeks, for the relatives, friends and communities of twelve ...
The sky is splendid with fierce, clever and spectacular birds. From the bitter cold polar regions to the lush tropics, birds have found incredible ways to adapt and survive anywhere. White-winged diuca finches nest high upon freezing glaciers and mightly peregrine falcons circle skyscrapers in busy cities.
Look up! What birds can do is extraordinary. The statuesque golden eagle spots prey from kilometres away. You can tell what time of day an owl hunts by looking at the colour of its eyes.
With its long, muscular legs, the secretary bird has a powerful kick...
The sky is splendid with fierce, clever and spectacular birds. From the bitter cold polar regions to the lush tropics, birds have found incredibl...