Bree's Bubble Gum Adventures: The Pajamas From the Bahamas follows a little girl named Bree, who is always chewing gum. Bree is infatuated with bubble gum. She knows she shouldn't chew gum in certain places like school, because it always gets her into trouble One night when Bree puts on her new pajamas, she dreams that her bubble gum saves her from all sorts of trouble in the jungle. There's only one problem: Bree shouldn't have gone to bed with gum in her mouth. This delightful story is told in rhyme, and is filled with adventure in the wild jungle. Will reality set in when Bree wakes up?...
Bree's Bubble Gum Adventures: The Pajamas From the Bahamas follows a little girl named Bree, who is always chewing gum. Bree is infatuated with bubble...