In his first book, KingdomNomics, business investor Phil Wiegand discussed the importance of being wise stewards of all the resources God has given us: time, talent, and treasure. This book, the Kingdomnomics Converterlator, delves into the Biblical principles that clarify how we are actually agents of change in this world with rewards in heaven for all that we accomplish using those resources.
In his first book, KingdomNomics, business investor Phil Wiegand discussed the importance of being wise stewards of all the resources God has given us...
Are you strategically using your time, talent, and treasure for God's eternal purposes? In his first book, KingdomNomics, business investor Phil Wiegand discussed the importance of being wise stewards of all the resources God has given us: time, talent, and treasure. This book, the Kingdomnomics Converterlator, delves into the Biblical principles that clarify how we are actually agents of change in this world with rewards in heaven for all that we accomplish using those resources.
Are you strategically using your time, talent, and treasure for God's eternal purposes? In his first book, KingdomNomics, business investor Phil Wiega...