"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."-William James The invitation in A Noble Mind is to become a better thinker. Through philosophical/theological constructs that have existed for hundreds of years, we can more clearly see through the maze of social issues in the 21st century. A mark of an educated person is to be able to hold truths in tension while making complex decisions. Read A Noble Mind to expand your worldview as you consider major social issues of the day. *** Dr. Terry Swan is Professor of Psychology and Religion at Lindsey...
"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."-William James The invitation in A Noble Mind is to be...
Welcome to A Faith Called Christianity. Why is it that there are over two billion adherents to this all-encompassing belief system? Why do the teachings of Jesus Christ still significantly impact the earth? Why is the Bible still perennially the best selling book in the world? What are the key components of this religion? How do Christians express their faith in tangible behaviors that provide redemptive lift to any culture in which they are present? The purpose of this book is to broaden your understanding of the Christian faith. It's not...
Welcome to A Faith Called Christianity. Why is it that there are over two billion adherents to this all-encompassing belief sy...