World War II changed the face of Evansville, Indiana. In December 1941, the city was still recovering from the Great Depression, yet within three months, a series of blockbuster announcements transformed the region. Several corporations received major defense contracts to manufacture parts and ammunitions, while two new installations were launched: a shipyard to construct Landing Ship Tanks and a factory to manufacture P-47 airplanes. Industrial employment rose dramatically, producing social, economic, and racial tensions as thousands of newcomers poured into a city that lacked adequate...
World War II changed the face of Evansville, Indiana. In December 1941, the city was still recovering from the Great Depression, yet within three mont...
Connie A Weinzapfel, Darrel E Bigham, Susan R Branigin
New Harmony is a town like no other. A community that began almost two hundred years ahead of its time, New Harmony was a spiritual sanctuary that later became a haven for international scientists, scholars, and educators who sought equality in communal living. It was impossible for George Rapp to realize the events he would set into motion when he purchased 20,000 acres of land on the Wabash River in 1814 and subsequently sold it to social reformer Robert Owen ten years later. This simple community came to have an immense impact on our country's art and architecture, public...
New Harmony is a town like no other. A community that began almost two hundred years ahead of its time, New Harmony was a spiritual sanctuary that...