A tale of high adventure and survival on the Japanese frontier In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the wilderness of the Japanese frontier of Hokkaido for a hoard of hidden gold. With only a cryptic map and a native Ainu girl to help him, Saichi must also deal with every murderous cutthroat, bandit and rogue who knows about the treasure Captured by renegade soldiers from the 7th Division, Sugimoto's life now rests in the hands of Asirpa and "Escape King" Shiraishi, who must work together to save him. Meanwhile, Sugimoto's list of...
A tale of high adventure and survival on the Japanese frontier In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searche...
A tale of high adventure and survival on the Japanese frontier In the early 20th century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the wilderness of the Japanese frontier of Hokkaido for a hoard of hidden gold. With only a cryptic map and a native Ainu girl to help him, Saichi must also deal with every murderous cutthroat, bandit and rogue who knows about the treasure On the trail of a hoard of hidden gold, Saichi "Immortal" Sugimoto and the Ainu girl Asirpa have already tracked down some of the escaped prisoners whose tattoos form a map to the lost treasure. But their...
A tale of high adventure and survival on the Japanese frontier In the early 20th century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the...
A tale of high adventure and survival! In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the wilderness of Hokkaido for a hoard of hidden gold. With only a cryptic map and a native Ainu girl to help him, Saichi must also deal with every murderous cutthroat, bandit and rogue who knows about the treasure! If the hidden Ainu gold can ever be found, will it be worth the price paid for it in lives lost and ruined? Who really murdered the Ainu for their treasure? With Kiroranke dead, Ogata may have some answers, but after the confrontation on the ice of the...
A tale of high adventure and survival! In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the wilderness of Hokkaido...
A tale of high adventure and survival! In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the wilderness of Hokkaido for a hoard of hidden gold. With only a cryptic map and a native Ainu girl to help him, Saichi must also deal with every murderous cutthroat, bandit and rogue who knows about the treasure! Sugimoto and Asirpa (and Shiraishi too) have been reunited and head south across Karafuto with the goal of returning to Hokkaido. But after so much time apart and all that has happened, Asirpa’s feelings about the Ainu struggle have changed. Meanwhile,...
A tale of high adventure and survival! In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the wilderness of Hokkaido...
A tale of high adventure and survival! In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the wilderness of Hokkaido for a hoard of hidden gold. With only a cryptic map and a native Ainu girl to help him, Saichi must also deal with every murderous cutthroat, bandit and rogue who knows about the treasure! Asirpa’s adventure in Karafuto changed her feelings about not only her father, but also the Ainu struggle for independence. Sugimoto has come to realize something about his own feelings about Asirpa as well. If they’re really going to be equal partners,...
A tale of high adventure and survival! In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the wilderness of Hokkaido...