Dashwood, a plucky, cheeky young hare suddenly finds himself homeless. He is guided to a safe place by Milo the frog. His family headed west to Laughing Valley and Dashwood follows leading him into encounters with naughty goblins within the Mischievious Forest. Dashwood is in danger - the Mythical Magical Fairy comes to his rescue. He is taken to her forest where he meets the Aha Tree who tells him what has happened to his family and friends. Magic begins to win him over and soon he is in love with the Forest. He is taken on an adventure to meet the dragons where he discovers pebble...
Dashwood, a plucky, cheeky young hare suddenly finds himself homeless. He is guided to a safe place by Milo the frog. His family headed west to Lau...
Dashwood, a plucky, cheeky young hare suddenly finds himself homeless. He is guided to a safe place by Milo the frog. His family headed west to Laughing Valley and Dashwood follows leading him into encounters with naughty goblins within the Mischievious Forest. Dashwood is in danger - the Mythical Magical Fairy comes to his rescue. He is taken to her forest where he meets the Aha Tree who tells him what has happened to his family and friends. Magic begins to win him over and soon he is in love with the Forest. He is taken on an adventure to meet the dragons where he discovers pebble...
Dashwood, a plucky, cheeky young hare suddenly finds himself homeless. He is guided to a safe place by Milo the frog. His family headed west to Lau...