We Don't Own Our Memories Anymore, is a fictional journey that chronicles the fate of the memories that Nora, our main character, entrusted to the Internet for safe-keeping. Convinced that the on-line facilities are cheaper, for her storage and access needs, she spends a good part of her young life, digitizing all her memories and family heirloom. After uploading the digitized version, she would discard the live images, believing the digital versions to be real-life replacements and also that, the on-line facilities will always be available to her on demand. Her generation and employer...
We Don't Own Our Memories Anymore, is a fictional journey that chronicles the fate of the memories that Nora, our main character, entrusted to the ...
We Don't Own Our Memories Anymore, is a fictional journey that chronicles the fate of the memories that Nora, our main character, entrusted to the Internet for safe-keeping. Convinced that the on-line facilities are cheaper, for her storage and access needs, she spends a good part of her young life, digitizing all her memories and family heirloom. After uploading the digitized version, she would discard the live images, believing the digital versions to be real-life replacements and also that, the on-line facilities will always be available to her on demand. Her generation and employer...
We Don't Own Our Memories Anymore, is a fictional journey that chronicles the fate of the memories that Nora, our main character, entrusted to the ...