Brett Anderson Walkers debut novel, The Killing Name (first in a series), follows the exploits of Private Investigator Cubby Dillon, a cocky American living in Paris. Despite his desire to be an artist, he finds it impossible to complete a single painting. Fortunately, his uncanny ability to locate missing persons, coupled with a steadfast respect for client confidentiality, has made him highly sought-after by Europes wealthy. When Dillon is hired by a Belgian chocolate heiress to locate her missing husband, he is drawn into the web of two brutal Russian brothers determined to implicate...
Brett Anderson Walkers debut novel, The Killing Name (first in a series), follows the exploits of Private Investigator Cubby Dillon, a cocky Americ...
Brett Anderson Walker's debut novel, The Killing Name (first in a series), follows the exploits of Private Investigator Cubby Dillon, a cocky American living in Paris. Despite his desire to be an artist, he finds it impossible to complete a single painting. Fortunately, his uncanny ability to locate missing persons, coupled with a steadfast respect for client confidentiality, has made him highly sought-after by Europe's wealthy. When Dillon is hired by a Belgian chocolate heiress to locate her missing husband, he is drawn into the web of two brutal Russian brothers determined to implicate...
Brett Anderson Walker's debut novel, The Killing Name (first in a series), follows the exploits of Private Investigator Cubby Dillon, a cocky Ameri...