Steer away from awkward, embarrassing Chinese-English translation, word by word, expression by expression, and situation by situation, with this handy guidebook.
Whether you're making a presentation, trying to write a resume that will stand out, preparing for an interview or simply trying to make small talk, you'll learn how Chinese and English are similar and different and how to smoothly move from one language to the other.
For instance, automatically translates: I want noodles. Subject-verb-object--everything is in the matching order, a dream situation for a linguist.
Steer away from awkward, embarrassing Chinese-English translation, word by word, expression by expression, and situation by situation, with this ha...
Steer away from awkward, embarrassing Chinese-English translation, word by word, expression by expression, and situation by situation, with this handy guidebook.
Whether you're making a presentation, trying to write a resume that will stand out, preparing for an interview or simply trying to make small talk, you'll learn how Chinese and English are similar and different and how to smoothly move from one language to the other.
For instance, automatically translates: I want noodles. Subject-verb-object--everything is in the matching order, a dream situation for a linguist.
Steer away from awkward, embarrassing Chinese-English translation, word by word, expression by expression, and situation by situation, with this ha...